Fresh inspiration from your lead gen partners at Lead Marvels!

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We’re all trying to find creative ways to cope with a changing economy that, oftentimes, forces us to do more with less. Your advertisers are no different. Our team of data geeks spent the last month combing through troves of recent research to get a better understanding of how advertisers’ needs are changing.


We share what we’ve learned in this month’s feature story, so you can better understand how to meet your sponsors' quickly evolving needs.


The Lead Marvels team


Your sponsors and advertisers are facing shrinking marketing budgets and are under immense pressure to justify every dollar spent. Are your sponsorship programs optimized to meet their changing needs? We sifted through troves of research to understand the primary challenges marketers are coping with in the current economic climate. Find out what we learned, so you can shape your sponsorship programs accordingly.

We’ve partnered with five new associations this month. Plus, find out how we’ve made our dashboards even easier to use for your advertisers. Also, you won’t want to miss the highlights on what content is trending among our association readers!

The demand for information among your professional members is at an all-time high, and the traditional event-based model of member engagement is inadequate. In the latest installment in our Association Executive Guide Series, learn how your association’s content strategy can be a much more powerful lever to influence your organizational mission while increasing member engagement and growing loyalty.

We received a ton of requests from readers for more non-dues revenue ideas after our last article on the topic. Back by popular demand, then, here are more practical, easy-to-implement ideas for how your association can increase and diversify your revenue mix without straining internal resources.

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) was hearing a common refrain among its sponsors and advertisers and needed to find a new solution, more aligned with its partners’ business needs. Here’s the story of how they did it, while also generating nearly $1 million in non-dues revenue in the process.

We’ve been beating the drum as loudly as we can about why advertisers and sponsors should be supporting the associations in their industries. Help us spread the word about the benefits of association marketing by sharing this article with your sponsors. You never know — maybe they’ll increase their marketing spend with you!
